Lab – Linux Shell Scripts Assessments

Lab – Linux Shell Scripts Assessments

1) Write a shell script to print the following :

                                   CHOOSE ANY ONE                                           
                         1 .  CPU information                                                
                         2 .  RAM information                                                
                         3 .  Kernel  information                                            
                         4 .  OS  version                                                    
                         5 .  Hostname                                                       
                         6 .  Ipaddress                                                      
                         7 .  Exit                                                           

Enter your Choice :

2) create a folder like /home/oracle/sfile/

Write a shell script to check the file(excel_19112020.txt) exists.

The checking should continue for every 2 secs with additional “.” suffixing the checking word.
ex. Like checking………..

If the file exists , then print “File received”.

3) Create a shell script to greet by given time

$ ./ 11

If the input is between 0 and 12 , then should print “Good Morning!!!”
if between 13 and 18 , then should print “Good Afternoon”
if between 19 and 24 , then should print “Good Night”

4) Write a shell script to create a database where the inputs ae passed as arguments

./ {dbname} {path}
ex : ./ sdbt /u01/app/oracle/oradata/sdbt

Tablespace information:
System 500m
sysaux 500m
TEMP 100m

Pfile :

Also, Make sure, catalog and catproc were executed.

5) Write a shell script to monitor alertlog.

6) Write a shell script to do log rotate , remove logs < sysdate-2

7) Write a shell script to multiplex the controlfile.

./ DBname 3

where 3 specifies no of controlfiles to be multipluxed.

8) Write a shell script to start the database.

9) Write a shell script to stop the database.

10) Write a shell script to start the listener, if not started.

11) Write a shell script to stop the listener.

12) Write a shell script to check for fragmentation

13) Write a shell script to defragment all the tables.

14) Write a shell script to rebuild only the unusable indexes.

15) Write a shell script to check the mount point limits. If exceeds 85% should send a mail to [email protected].

16) Write a schell script to check how many oracle databases are running in the server.

17) Write a shell script check the database state like NOMOUNT|MOUNT|OPEN for a given database, where database name is passed as first argument.

18) Write a schell script to analyze the database|schema|table where the component is passwd as argument.

ex. ./ {full} {dbname} ( will analyze the full database)
Hint : use dbms_stats.gather_database_stats;

./ {fix} {dbname} (will analyzed fixed stats )
Hint use: dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats;

./ {dict} {dbname} (will analyzed dict stats )
Hint use: dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;

./ {schema} {table} {dbname} (will analyzed table stats )
Hint use: dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (‘SDBT_USER,’SAKTHIDB_TABLE’);

19) Write a shell script to cleanup given schema( cleaning schema meas dropping all the objects from that schema)


20) rite a shell script to the below activity.This is also one type of cleaning activity.

Disable all the constraints.
Truncate the tables
Enable all the constraint.