Lab – Linux Question Answer – Part I

Linux Question Answer

1) Displays kernel release information?

uname -r

2) Displays when the system is up?


3) Display ipaddress and hostname

hostname hostname -i

4) Displays currently logged in users in the system



5) Displays OS bootup messages


6) Displays more information about CPU and Memory

cat /proc/cpuinfo & lscpu cat /proc/meminfo

7) Displays the details of the active user e.g. uid, gid, and groups



8) Shows who is logged in to the system


9) How will you add user and group.

username : oracle group : Primary dba / secondary : oinstall

10) on Which file you check the added group and user.

cat /etc/passwd and /etc/group

File commands

11) List all file including hidden files in reverse order

ls -alrt

12) How will you rename a file

mv f1 f2

13) Removes a directory forcefully and recursively

rm -rf

14) Creates a symbolic link to file_name

ln -s /path/to/file_name link_name

15) Encrypts a file

gpg -c file_name

16) Decrypts a file

gpg file_name.gpg

17) Prints the number of bytes, words and lines in a file


18) Executes commands from standard input


process related

19) Searches for the id of the process ‘pmon’

ps -ef|grep pmon

20) Lists files that are open by processes


21) Displays all running processes with utilization


22) How to execute a shell sripts in background.

./ &

23) How will you log the output from the bg process.

$ nohup ./ &

24) Change file permissions of the file to octal

chmod 777 filename

25) change owner and group of a directory and its subdirestories and files

chown -R oracle:oinstall directory


26) Displays all active listening ports

netstat -plunt

27) Check hostname reachability

ping hostname

28) copy a file from one linux to aother linux server


29) copy a fle from windows to linux server

use winscp/sftp

30) Downloads a file from an online source
